Averett University

Danville, Virginia

Dr. Susan Huckstep

Susan Huckstep, Associate Professor of Communication Studies/Journalism, is a native of Charlottesville, Virginia. She holds a bachelor's degree from Averett along with a master's degree in communication studies from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She received her doctorate in communication studies from Regent University. Dr. Huckstep is one of the faculty athletic mentors for the Averett University women's basketball team. Huckstep is also an avid supporter of Averett athletics and can be found in the stands during many home events. Although she long ago hung up her cleats and put away her basketball uniform, she enjoys kayaking, working out at the local YMCA, reading, and photography. One aspect of education at Averett that especially appeals to her is service- learning. Dr. Huckstep is a faculty champion of community engagement and experiential learning.

Faculty Fellow Role

Dr. Huckstep is developing a new minor in graphic and web design which will include a capstone project centered on experiential learning and community engagement. As part of the capstone, her students will work to create media materials/campaigns for a nonprofit community partner that would otherwise not have such capability. Experiential learning is pervasive throughout each course in the proposed minor. The Dan River Region's number one industry gap is in digital communications, including public relations and graphic design. Graduates from her new program will be a pipeline of talent for internships, part-time jobs, as well as full-time careers in several sub-fields, including healthcare, broadcast journalism, agritech, engineering, etc.